Sunday, May 22, 2016

How To Reset Centurylink Wifi Password

Seek basic technical method about how to reset Centurylink Wi-Fi password:

It is so easy to forget a password of email account, especially when it`s password you didn`t choose and doesn`t have any significance to you to use on daily basis. This is why, modem manufacturing is big reliable in the security and setup their default password on their device. Actually it is so simple to reset Centurylink Wi-Fi password.

But if you are one of them trying to reset your Centurylink Wi-Fi password and unable to reset then you can have the proper guidance from tech support team by the help of Centurylink customer care number instantly.

Go through the technical steps as mentioned below:

·         Visit the site of Centurylink Wi-Fi password and try to type your previous Wi-Fi ID and password in their relevant filed.

·         If you unable to access then click to “Reset password” option and select the security question showing below.

·         Now click to the “Password reset link” and type your new password in the “New password filed”.

·         Type again same password into the “Conform filed” eventually.

For more important information and suggestions you can contact our Centurylink customer service center to find your right answer with the right person.